With the goat FeNiS going -40 for kickoff what have been the worst performances over a whole tournament in T1?
Someone in crazy raccoon
He went -31 or are you talking about a different game?
he's talking about this tournament as a whole
Boostio in the same tournament lol
-38 overall and I consider that worse than FNS since he's considered to be an IGL that can actually shoot back yet performed on par with a washed FNS lol
I think FNS calling in general is better too. Also considering nrg winning against boostio’s 100T makes him worse
I think at this point both their calling is kinda mid. NRG didn't really look like they knew what they were doing against KRU in a lot of the rounds.
Boostio has to literally micromanage every 100T player T.T get him a second caller and he will be back to EG form