Trust me, we're gonna be the first region eliminated in Bangkok
Didn't T1 beat G2(supposedly best team ryt now) in off-season?
t1 looked worse in offseason than they do now and g2 look way better
"g2 the supposedly best time rn" 😹😹😹
off season doesnt matter
With the amount of uncertainty of which team will win Masters Bangkok, I will just accept that Pacific is the weakest region (in terms of Top 4 teams)
I don't know, it's super hard to tell. At this point, all of it is very opinion based. My opinions and views on the teams have strongly changed since.
i aint trusting you, who are you
who is we
dfm flair. open your eyes
I trust Tejo DRX, I think Tejo abusator might have find the way, not fully sure, but possible