Every time I comment anything on emea whether it’s about heretics or not it’s always heretic fans who talk shit about specifically g2 even when no one mentioned them😭
i like you
Need more heretic fans like you
We dont ( i speak for all th fans)
you dont
g2 aura
I kinda fw G2 ngl
flair probably idk tho
11-2 comeback still hurts maybe
probably g2 beat them everytime when they were in emea
I actually really like G2, don't know bout other heretics fans
nah heretics fans dont hate g2, its just some friendly banter ngl
They don't hate G2, they hate the specific guy who carries that G2 flair.....and he goes by the name elsyxxm.
Glad I’m not that elysxxm guy ngl he must stink
Is it about me?
The same 4 people reply to me about g2 and your one of them
I can say the same thing about g2 fans and also French fans, just a normal part of the game, chill
I rarely see any people with g2 flairs I don’t believe this
Elysium today at 11:06 am Do I just not get stars back if I was ever banned
It’s a real question I want my stars back