Settle this debate with my friend (lvl impossible)

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Is a filler episode in a show canon?

We were talking about why he did not like Naruto, and he said the last 3 seasons felt like bullshit (they are all filler) and he said the definition was quote "if something happens to a character it is canon, even if it is not from the source material" btw all the episodes were not even in the manga, the studio made it up so they would not get cancelled off TV.

Am I stupid, because I don't know anymore. Or his stupidity rubbed off on me!


I mean 2G VS Kru is filler but it still counts as a game yk?


a part of the script of KRU making masters


in order of difficulty to resolve the scenario.
1: avoid the argument
2: say he's right
3: defuse the argument
4: punch him
5: actually argue with him.


No. If it is filler (especially in Naruto) it is not part of the source matireal. Naruto is my favorite anime(not what I consider the best), but I hate when people dislike it "because of the filler"--fym the filler thats not even the show (the anime also gets alot of flak for the flashbacks and repeated scenes which WERENT IN THE MANGA all the filler and repeated scenes were added by the anime studio because they were realesing the episodes weekly and had caught up to the source-think how one piece was adapting .5 chapter per episode)

If you or your friend want a version without any filler/flashbacks repeated scenes thats cut up into good chunks heres a link to a work someone did
I watched it with my gf and she loved it

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