What each player would lose in (only season 1 since season 2 doesnt have all its games out) (this is just if they were put in by themselves they are not competing against each other)
Loss on Red Light Green Light: (not many would fail, most are smart enough not too-and fast enough)
Asuna Havoc Xeppa (prob would be the first one out-crackhead energy wouldnt allow him to stand still)
Rafaa (would be too slow to cross)
Loss on Cookie Game: (these guys have high hand eye coordination would be unlikely to fail due to how good they are with the game)
Fns (doesnt have the skill to do it)
Loss on Tug of War: (BIG losses on this one as a lot of the players have small stature):
Cortezia Pyrze V1C Xenom Khalil Heat Silentzz Derrek Mwzera Verno Zander Oxy Tuyz Icy Lz Bang Boostio Demon1 Pancada Mada Trent Vinny Zekken Aspas Eeiu Gobera Cauanzin Cryo JohnQT s0m (not strong enough)
Loss on Marbles: (requires players to have high iq/not be nice)
Kingg JonahP C0M Jawgemo Shyy Supaman Mitch NZR Khalil Melser Adverso Artzin (too nice)
Glass Bridge-not doing this one since it is pure luck and a shit game
Loss on Squid Game: (requires players to be strong, fast and a good fighter)
Yay Net Tex Nature
Leaf Dgzin Natank Keznit Narrate Valyn Ethan Zellsis Mazino Zap