what is 2G even doing jesus christ
no spike no win
even so spike wouldnt save this shit
he should've be born sooner
Cant wait to watch the worst game of the day after watching tl vs apeks
worst game of your life probably i feel like watching a solid T1 team vs T3
bro the amount of impact spike has on this team is crazy. not only the best aimer, he is also the second caller. zap cant take it alone lol
i cant even say is just spike absence because gobera is the best player currently everyone just seem bad even silentzz who was very good too
its not all kills my guy no wonder brazil has been carried by loud... spike was helping in comms a lot and his impact is evident
yeah i meant that individually the team seems terrible too when they werent bad at all last year
yeah, but spikezin makes a lot of difference on mid-round calling, just look up for 2g's voice comms at ascension
yeah whatever, at least it will be a quick 2-0 so we can watch a real match.