why is this bozo keep shooting bodies even though hes being dogged these last 2 maps
MasterCard already sponsoring a game with guns and people dying with blood and curse words, I think/would hope that they don't care about someone hitting crouch on a body, and if they do want an explanation it's pretty easy to say that it's just a disrespectful dance you can do to show you're owning the enemy team since it's not graphic in any way nor do many people even know the genuine meaning behind it vs shooting a dead body
You don't know what American sensibilities are like. Cartoon violence is nothing. They totally would draw the line at a dance that's supposed to imitate dipping your balls on a dead body in the background of "MASTERCARD THRIFTY"
From Riot's perspective, they just don't want to risk that conversation with people who literally fund their esport. "Don't teabag" is not exactly a hard ask of people who play video games for a job.
I get your point and I think it's fair for Riot to not want to have that discussion however I think it's a bit of a mental gap some people have to think that a character moving up and down to imitate a sexual act (which by the way looks nothing like how it would actually look since, you know, they are just crouching down) is a lot more mature than a character with a literal gun going around and shooting people in the head and murdering them (with blood splattering out as well). I can see the point that maybe it is not Riot but rather the companies sponsoring Riot's events, however that does not detract from my main point of my original post which is that the poster sounds upset over something most people find trivial.