+literally anyone else, why the fuck do you have 2 duelists that suck at playing any other agent, just get a normal duelist that can play raze jett and neon and get a real initiator that can igl preferably
the guy can only play jett and reyna, and as you can clearly see he is dogshit at playing initiator
and he is so inconsistent that I swear to god the last time I actually saw him outperfoming anyone was at champions 2023
yeah brother but if u drop jingg there is no role issue jett can run on 70% of the maps and something excels at oping and rifling dropping him would be a big loss , u cant run raze on more than 30% of the maps and apart from raze jingg cant really do much thats what i meant
with constant meta changes and maps now being rotated every act, it is very short sighted to keep a jett crutch player
SPG (NS) is a clear example of this so far