Splash will turn 18 in August. Do you guys think he’ll get promoted? I feel like he needs to learn another agent besides duelist, because I don’t see Jemkins being stripped out of the Duelist role anytime soon
Walau jemkin kadang ga sesuai ekspektasi, duelist indo belom ada yg sekonsisten jemkin, khususnya JETTnya sih. Tekanan buat IGL ngasih call yg bagus, sebenernya bisa dikurangi kalau coach bisa ngasih guide variasi set play yg banyak dan bagus. Kalau ewok doang emang gw juga ragu, tapi sekarang ada warbirds yg bantuin. Jujur Gua ga setuju si kalau jemkin diganti karena duelist kalau gabisa diandelin kaco maenya bikin stress yg nonton
Maybe next year if he proves himself that he's good enough on VCL. I mean, other than Fullsense and DSG his only experience is playing against Tier 3 team in MYSG
Kinda sad that RRQ.A can't play in Ascension if they win, since the real challenge will be playing against the KR and JP team too. Maybe if AE goes to Ascension they can loan him? IDK.
Anyway, i don't mind him replacing Jemkin (if he proves himself) so we can get a great import IGL like Kristal to replace Estrella.
This entire thread is talking about them promoting Splash (a duelist). I'm saying that it's only a good option if we manage to bring a great import IGL like kristal (so basically we sacrifice Jemkin, which is a great duelist btw).
Since IMO with their insane firepower they need crack IGL more than a crack duelist.