IDK how many long term liquid fans are on this website, and I have absolutely no evidence of these stats, but purely based on memory, I think liquid has tried playing with no duelist 5 times now. Twice on Bind, once on Fracture(Today), once on breeze, and once on icebox.
From my memory, we have lost all 5 games, and 4 of them have been our map pick. Regardless if my stats are totally correct or not, I just don't understand the no duelist pick at all when you have 3 players that can play duelist comfortably. When we did a normal team comp, Liquid looked top 5 easily and was really strong. Without duelists, maintaining site control after gekko plant was awful and our post-plants looked horrid. I really don't know what we were trying to do. Please don't do that stupid shit again though