Why cards are the same

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TLDR for those without twitter :

« teams that have complained that some were selling much more than others and Riot has decided to make them all the same by default »

That is a bs answer from riot because obviously an org is gonna have more fans than others, and it’s on litteraly the orgs part to do this, and riot just have to approve. Thought ?


While it sucks for obvious reasons I don't think there were many bundles I would buy for the player card most sucked ass and this new one if was placed instead would be better than at least a third of the old ones


The funny part is that this change makes EVERYONE less money. The unpopular teams won't make more money because their banner is the same as the popular teams, it relies on their team performance and everything else. This change just sucks the creativity out of it.

Last year, the only reason I considered buying a bundle was for the player card as I already had a classic skin and preferred it over the capsule skins. This year, I won't be having this problem.


skill issue, sen sold that horrible ass bundle purely off promotion

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