I am happy for them tbh they now have a stable org and fanbase for first time in their life(Scout's base) .
Having said that I don't like Levi being sub , I just hope RNT doesn't let Antidote control the roster so if Anti doesn't bring results or DM is injured again they can be dropped to bring better IGL/Levi in main 5.
They are looking for a 5th excited to see who they bank on(wishing it's JA and we hv old SBE duo together again) . knowing them I may hv to settle with Tesseract again.
Btw Gobz is their coach ( former Onlyfins coach spanish has decent results in EMEA T2).
The roster as of now is ::
Antidote(IGL), Azys(Duelist) , Rawfiul(Int/Sent), Deathmaker(Flex) , 5th import(smokes/flex), Levi(sub)