looks like he will have fun with twitter dm's
looks like he will have fun with twitter dm's
Imagine saying he put the camera there on purpose. How braindead you have to be lol
Literally 1 week ago a team had to forfeit the match because of this, why would he use the same camera knowing they would lose the game afterwads?
makes no sense lol
riot cant predict all possible bugs so they cant specify all cams. but its clearly mentioned that u cant
fazendo de proposito ou nao, não muda o fato que ele tava usando uma camera que é publicamente ilegal ja tem 6 meses com um exploit proibido pelas regras por 6 rounds, eu sabia que essa cam era ilegal e eu sou um platina que quase nem joga mais, eles são um time de pessoas que reebem dinheiro pra jogar o jogo. a intenção dele não muda o fato que ele teve uma vantagem competitiva injusta.
I wish I got the same mentality of hazed :(
I agree that it's not relevant. But what hurts more the reputation of the player? Doing it intentionally to have advantage over the game and knowingly cheat, or just don't know about the rule and do it by mistake? What Hazed is doing is accusing Jhow of doing the first option without really knowing, this is hate towards VK's player and it's not cool at all.
Jhow's reputation will be fine. Because his reputation isn't predicated on foreign twitter accounts or ex NA CS players.
His reputation has and is based on the support of Brazilian fans. It's not like throughout all the controversy people are actively calling him a criminal. Most of the flaming hasn't even been directed to him speficially.