Clip that was a kill or round loss short of being GOATED
my choice is yay vs guard on icebox, where he hit the collat then the two insane flicks, but died to Jonah after the viper ult went down
yay 5hp 1v5 vs liquid on breeze
demon1 in haven against EDG, he one tapped like three people before he died, almost 1v5
kangkang ace vs heretics on bind to try and bring his team to an overtime but ultimately lost to time as boo had brim molly
I don't remember exactly but I think it was cned who almost got a 1v5 with a sheriff on bind
Demon1 1v2 with Knife against Fnatics in Tokyo
Mid clip
i think it was francis on SPG during bind OT vs boom where he got 4 but died rip the 1v5