Istg... Yesterday, during that PRX match, the casters were so biased it didn't even make me mad, it was just funny.
Like anyone from PRX gets a kill : OH MY GOD, OH MH GOD, I'VE LOST MY MIND, OG MY GOD, I HAVE SEEN GOD, YES, YES (actual piece of commentary btw)
And then when they get traded off, oh...and then he gets traded off by [a player] 😔
The amount of tone change was so evident that mfers in YouTube chat were spamming it. YouTube chat talkin' in favor of GE speaks tons of how biased it was 💀
There is this one Scottish guy on YouTube who does this satirical pieces on him as a Scot commenting on England games with biased casting. This reminded me of that. Please have someone else for that PRX vs DRX game. I can't listen to this. Or atleast pair them with someone else, someone who can balance either of them out.
I love PRX, I think they are a crazy team and I love those three players, but you don't need to have that reaction everytime something or Forsaken hits a Jett knife lmfao...
I am not saying they are bad casters, they are not, maybe they were doing it unintentionally, Asurai is a goat when paired with Achilios, but this pairing man...