Add3r > Net. C9 please get OXY some actual help instead of more mid. Could probably get Add3r for cheaper too.
add3r is a player that only people who do not watch him think is a tier 1 player
he was TERRIBLE last year
i like him a lot but he needs a good year this year
He's still better than Net and has a higher ceiling too.
no he doesnt. he had a good year in tier 2 in 2023, then a bad one this year
neT was actually a great fragger when he won ascension, wasnt bad at all at kickoff (only kicked because of personality, not performance)
victor bro sign victor
Burn too hot for a couple weeks in 2023, been shit ever since
yeah, but this is how VLR logic goes
Seems like it’s gonna be net. He was playing ranked with oxy the last 2 days and oxy made sure to let net know he was streaming when they were talking about playing together the day before. Nabil clears both of them tho
tbh i’m happy if net gets another chance in t1, maybe others don’t think the same but i fw him so
his pic has aura
they should pick up whoever plays best in their trials