Starting my comps journey next act
Starting my comps journey next act
i see where you're coming from
and will all due respect, in game ranks are equally as meaningless
you're 'competing' for a png and the same recycled gunbuddy.
the only exception is if you're at the highest level and are trying to go pro (so pretty much a dozen or so people in the whole world)
thats at least the way i see it
to be clear though its absolutely fine to enjoy playing comp, I still play it but I understand that I'm not going to get anything real out of it
in game ranks represent ur skill level and u play to reach a higher level of competition,and its satisfying to see ur rank rising and seeing u can play against better players and improve at the same time,and see how high u can get,thats the whole point of ranked for me i couldnt care less about the "rewards" u get for reaching a rank thats not why i play