Don't you dare ever compare the washed fraud demon1 to the fucking goat (🐐) c0m
They are NOT even REMOTELY comparable
Flag: | Pakistan |
Registered: | July 14, 2024 |
Last post: | March 25, 2025 at 3:58 PM |
Posts: | 63 |
Don't you dare ever compare the washed fraud demon1 to the fucking goat (🐐) c0m
They are NOT even REMOTELY comparable
This is where I found it:
Why would you downplay ZETA? They have bright players with great careers ahead of them.
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on VLR by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox reddit friends would upvote. This ain't reddit, kid. This is VLR. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with.
foxy9 goes and sits on the bench
Why on earth are you getting downvoted for this
and then KC/TH/TL/FUT/BBL
so it's pretty competitive
Wrong again!
Will be a good match, hopefully T1 pull ahead!
What a way to say 'I don't know anything about professional Valorant'
Flag checks out
thank you
T1's era is finally starting in Valorant.
probably valid im ngl, considering half the stuff you read on here it'd be nice to know the ranks of whoever is speaking
I mean it's not good
but cutting his pay seems like a HUGE overreaction
I think they will get better over the year
(This doesn't mean they won't might not have a dip at Bangkok btw, but I think if you look at the bigger picture they'll get something like at least top 3 at Champs)
it would be cool if you could see peoples tracker by linking it
they got a good chance of upsetting and making it tbh
final part out now! (3 mins to vote)
The finalists are NRG and G2!
Here is the final pickem (I'll change the winner of the GF based on this post):
current bracket:
quick pickems close in like 10 mins!
G2 vs MIBR:
If you picked G2:
If you picked MIBR:
If there's no time for the GF I'll just pick NRG since they've been dominating every poll
LEV MIBR is tied, gonna put whoever is higher in like 3 mins
holy shit mibr just skyrocketed in votes
go go go
Current state of the bracket:
next round in like 15-30 mins (gotta speedrun ts, only 40 mins left before pickems close)
Bump (will probably call it at 50)
I kind of miscalculated how long I have so I'm going to try speedrun the threads before the matches start
bumps would be extra appreciated to get each poll to roughly 100 votes ASAP!
part 1
part 2
part 3
When the polls reach around 100 votes I will create a new thread with the next round of matches, until then I will periodically bump this thread
P.S. Consider getting the bettervlr extension since it will let you vote on all of these polls without having to open multiple tabs
Current state of the bracket
Some teams are playing with subs so consider that when voting!
---Upper Bracket---
---Lower Bracket---
bumps appreciated!
seems like furia will be playing fully with subs
part 1
part 2
When the polls reach around 100 votes I will create a new thread with the next round of matches, until then I will periodically bump this thread
P.S. Consider getting the bettervlr extension since it will let you vote on all of these polls without having to open multiple tabs
Current state of the bracket
Some teams are playing with subs so consider that when voting!
---Upper Bracket---
---Lower Bracket---
bumps appreciated!
it's worth pointing out that Furia and KRU are going to be playing with subs
gonna let it go to 100 votes per poll
See part 1 here In roughly 12 hours (or 24 is it's close) I will create a new thread with the next round of matches
P.S. Consider getting the bettervlr extension since it will let you vote on all of these polls without having to open multiple tabs
bumps appreciated!
Voting has ended, will no longer be considering new votes
Go vote in part 2!
idk if mods would be cool with that since I'd have to make a lot of threads
I'm going to run a poll which has each VCT Americas Kickoff matchup
Within 24 hours (or less, haven't decided yet) I will create a new thread with the next round of matches, going until we crown a winner.
At the end of Kickoff I will create one last thread which shows how the opinion picks did.
P.S. Consider getting the bettervlr extension since it will let you vote on all of these polls without having to open multiple tabs
bumps appreciated!
nah probably not, it was just to hint flor (Canadian)
they also said they're signing 'One more Americas talent' just before signing Oderus, so I think it'll likely be an EMEA player
T1 in S tier all I needed to see
i see where you're coming from
and will all due respect, in game ranks are equally as meaningless
you're 'competing' for a png and the same recycled gunbuddy.
the only exception is if you're at the highest level and are trying to go pro (so pretty much a dozen or so people in the whole world)
thats at least the way i see it
to be clear though its absolutely fine to enjoy playing comp, I still play it but I understand that I'm not going to get anything real out of it
ive racked up 400 switfplay games since its come out
its usually because i want to play but i dont have the time to commit 40 mins