Edit (PT/BR): percebi o comentário de muitos brs aqui dizendo que devia ter lido as threads da galera aqui do forum, que a riot devia ter arrumado o bug muito tempo atras e sobre o jogo da FURIA contra a Sentinels com o pulo no bombsite C (a minha opiniao sobre isso é que a riot devia ter feito isso com os times passados também que "abusaram desse bug" e não receberam a mesma advertencia que a FURIA levou durante o jogo, voltando o round). pesquisei sobre os times terem utilizado o bug e que receberam a mesma penalização e também o artigo que fala sobre as regra que permite a intervenção da riot em caso de bugs como esse
X10 vs. Galaxy Racer (FF pelo mesmo bug utilizado pelo JhoW)
dessa maneira, eu quero dizer que a riot continua correta na penalização no meu ponto de vista e ela tinha que fazer a mesma penalidade nos times mencionados acima com a VK que abusaram do mesmo bug da cam do cypher no mapa Breeze. sobre a comunicação com os times, devia ter sido melhor sim para que nao havia causado esse abalo mental nos jogadores da VK e talvez tambem da Acend. e repitindo, a questão não é de ser brasileiro e tratado como perdedor, mas sim de regras e como a mesma situação foi lidada pela Riot
DISCLAIMER (PT/BR): se vc for brasileiro e quer vir aqui falar que to mamando gringo igual todo mundo no twitter, quero que vc saia desse post. quero citar minha opiniao sobre o ocorrido e o que todos vcs devem refletir, parar pra pensar sobre o assunto. e se forem me xingar, nao dou atenção, podem falar o que quiserem.
TL;DR - riot is right about the ruling, and did exactly what they've done to other teams that abused the bug; we brazillians must cope, even if it hurts and make us feel unmotivated to watch Champions or even play the game, and continue to support our region in the tournament, because we improved as a region in this game, and today's match even resulted in the loss, we must continue our confidence that we will at least make it to playoffs, we are stronger together!
i understand why we are mad: our region has always been clowned by other regions (NA, EMEA) for not making out of group stages, not being strategically good, doing small mistakes that resulted into big losses in rounds, and the list goes on. since Vivo Keyd won against Acend, this became such a very special moment for us, happiness and every good feeling y'all can imagine since that was the proof that BR has improved.
but ever since people started to point out JhoW's cam exploit, which most of us didnt even know about the rule that prohibited the usage of it, a lot of brazillians got extremelly pissed and acted immature over the situation, even threating Acend players and the org by it self.
i saw pro players (teddy, gaabxx, FNS, aspas and even the Vivo Keyd players) reacting to it, saying how they feel wronged over the situation, not being able to communicate with riot for a different solution, the ruling being unfair, etc.
now here comes a question: what if Acend used that bug on us? we would definitely want justice, right? we would definitely want the victory to us, basically feel just like how Acend fans and players in the team when they saw that JhoW used the cam bug.
so here's my take: stop the immaturity. we must cope with this and riot is not wrong. they have done the same with teams from EMEA and SEA that abused the exploit. this is not about being brazillian that they wont even listen to us, it's about breaking the rules that been wrote in the articles of VCT rules.
as much as i love my region, my country, this is indeed hearbreaking. the energy from us and specially the players after the victory has seem to be vanished after the solution taken by riot. we must cope and continue to support our region. we improved as a region: we saw FURIA take breeze of Sentinels and Vivo Keyd at first winning against Acend, but after this exploit, the map victory has been given to the opponent.
i hope everyone who read this agree with me, specially you brasileirinho.
from the pimp of all the pimps and bitches,