Nismo - IGL / Initiator Adder - Sentinel Wedid - controller Corey - Duelist Bdog - Flex
Doombros - coach
Thoughts changes?
Is that real ?
Nah just my speculation
I have my doubts about bdog, but I’d be happy to be proven wrong. Potential Ascencion winning roster (tho they’d probably choke the grand final)
Me too but I want too believe in him if not bdog I’d probably go for Kyu or Neptune
Corey Rossy Victor Crashies Marved
It's time.
do we really believe in this duo still I think it's time for some young talent
Marked gives no effort Vic is washed and role issues Crashies mid
Plus I think Vic and Crashies will be on sentinels academy team
Didn't they leave valorant??