Not so much on Accomplishments, but just 'who's that guy' on Viper currently
Munchkin Less Mako Yetujey Suygetsu Chronicle Boo Nats Bang Zander Mindfreak Kingg JonahP
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
(added JonahP)
couldn't you have just edited your last post ðŸ˜
yeah i realized that about 30 secs after making it but I was up until 4 AM last night so my brain isnt functioning
yeah I like that one better
But like fr everybody here is a monster, with recency bias I'd say chronicle has to be quite high up there cuz he was the Immovable of Fnatic during champs. obvioulsy Less being less he's probably top 1 , but that shit is pretty stacked ngl
my (currently) brain damaged list
I like it but you could argue anyone anywhere tbh (except less oc)
idk its kinda hard to judge based on which years
chronicle last is diabolical tho
he aint bad but he hasnt been great in a minute. his kayo/breach is a lot better
did you actually watch champs???
ok tbf maybe i did him a but dirty, but overall i think hes a better flash initi than a viper
chronicle, nats, mako, and less are better than bang and zander