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i hope other regions don’t randomly draw the placings
since you reward 4 teams that qualified to champs by giving them a bye, then why do the 5th place and the 11th place have an equal chance of facing the 1st place in the second round
i don’t have an issue with either random or placing-based, but why are we using both at the same time


this actually makes the most sense, given 2 assumptions:
the rosters for the teams who made champs will be making minimal changes at most, as they want to keep the winning formula that they had
the rosters for the teams who did not make champs will be making some changes at least to try to get their org in a space to make a run for international events

This way, the teams who did good can have their (supposed) similar rosters being rewarded for doing well, and the orgs who didn't make it all have an even footing as they all should have rebuilt their team in the offseason to make an international event

This also has the side effect of making orgs want to go to champs even more, and actually invest in their teams cough 2024 eg 2023-4 mibr cough

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