Indians come

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The Indian Val scene is a shit show right now. No player in tier 1 this time, and the T2 teams haven't looked great either. But to be honest, young players like Venka, Techno etc. are our best bets right now and all we can do is hope they improve.
Even though OG players were sick throughout this tourney, it's no excuse for losing 13-0 (neither this nor ping) . However, they looked good on Haven, so that's the only silver lining right now. Hopefully they do well in Predator league and 2025 VCL/Ascension.
As for MOGO, they mostly get carried by Azys and whenever he fails the team gets thrashed. DM, Rawfiul and Levi are inconsistent af.


If this OG lineup sticks together, it will be the best chance we have at an all Indian team making past few rounds in ascension
They need a good coach asap
Venka overheats like crazy


its a shame one of India's best talents sacred is stuck in NA


Their t1 org gave up on them already 😒


I have said it multiple times will say it again we have like 7-8 good players in total that's it. All of them are equal in one way or the other Rawfiul nd Venka have great aim with consistency but they overheat don't hv great game intelligence. Techno, Hoax and Helff have great gamesense and util usage but their aim isnt exactly top tier. Karam1l is most well rounded tbh but he isnt exceptional on any single metric.
RVK and Levi hv great gamesense,util usage and tbh Levi's peek aim is one of the best in India(only guy in India whose aiming style is like suygetsu can win against a perfect double peek by flicking on both) but these 2 are very inconsistent and on top of that have extreme low days or maps.

A 5 man Indian team can't produce international results or ascension win anytime soon bcz we have a very shallow talentpool , you will literally need a superteam and currently we aren't capable of producing a well-rounded superteam. But yess you can take 2-3 of these put an import IGL and an import Initiator/Duelist depending on if you pick Venka/Rawfiul but most importantly a coach who has meta defining ideas plus is respected by players so that he can improve their shortcomings nd I am sure International results will come in both Ascension nd VCT within a year.

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