OXY - Duelist Rossy - Flash initiator (maybe Viper for double smokes), IGL Skuba - Controller BRAWK - Scan Initiator neT - Sentinel
No thoughts
We don't care about clown9
why are you booing him he's right
Clown9 won't win..
Xeppaa over brawk imo
I'd say keep Mitch.
No vic, u cant be real. Also u saw one good tournament from rossy. They have said he's not as good otherwise and there's a reason he was dropped
Fk tge snake
about two months late but v1c didnt want to play with rossy so we are forced to cut him if we want rossy.
net is retired, keep moose (he'll show up again wallahi) also keep vic he has potential
For the sake of them moving on from the core, I wouldve had rossy still on scan and then mitch come in as the igl on flex/flash init.
i´d keep v1c on sentinel over net any day without a doubt
mitch over brawk (rossy plays brawk's role). skuba over v1c is a huge upgrade, idk why on earth c9 didnt sign him
v1c > skuba
hell nah
Oxy- Duelist Rossy - Senti Flex IGL Skuba - Controller Eggster- Yoru only (could play Kayo Breach) Poppin- Scan Initiator