what actually affects you?
trash talk from teammates and other team or throwers, smurfs and boosted players?
why is riot worrying about the fact that people trash talk in a competitive game(normal) more than the actual problems in ranked.
neon and an E-dating duo where one is clearly boosted
If trash talk actually gets to you, you are soft and not cut out for any competitive activity
that one pisses me off, but nah lets focus on making sure people lock mouths and kiss instead of being "toxic" guys
Sage players
sage/phoenix players are the most braindead players in any lobby,
I get placed in higher Elo lobbies sometimes even when Iām not 5 stack, so I just lose
thats okay dude; you belong in there if you get placed there. im specifically talking about the immo 5'2 guy who gets no bitches who resorts to swift play "baddies" and boosts them and when they solo q they just -20rr me insta
I don't mind trash talking in my games on it's own I do mind when people take everything personally and start trolling because they have fragile egos
yeah, its annoying as shit; once you tell them one thing they did wrong and could do better; its like you insulted their lineage