yippee 😁 https://i.imgur.com/YbvGWB0.png
this gonna expose ppl who can't actually play controller and just play omen
good thing sen signed bang and not zander omen 1 trick
Tenz had some inside info for sure
omen nerf
good nerf but i feel like this just removes a level of complexity from the game
it just makes it impossible to balance him against other smokers if he has a massive array of places he can put smokes that others cant
tenz nerfed
SEN is done
? they signed bang, hes very good on brim, viper and astra(before cryo). so this only shows how much ball knowledge you lack
aight Tenz knew
This is just stupid, why remove skill complexity from the game - just make the smokes last longer if they are on a flat surface, and shorter if they are used on weird cracks
you kinda cooked on this one, hit riot up