for flor not trying her hand in tier 2? every argument seems dumb
“just because you farm in gc doesn’t mean you’ll do good in t2”
who cares? it’s obvious she’s too good for gc, so the only way we can know for sure is if she actually gets a shot
“she makes too much money playing gc”
she’s mentioned before that she is even awaiting shots in t1/t2 (wishful thinking, don’t think she’s good enough for t1 yet) but if she doesn’t she’d rather stay and learn under effys. it isn’t about money, it’s about her improving
“she loses to t3 teams”
sr loses to tier 3 teams, and most of the time flor is the only having to do all the work for it to even be close. she’s being held back unfortunately; she needs a real team with people as good as/better than her so she can improve
are there any other real arguments? most of them seem so dumb lol