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Tenz is one of the most mechanically gifted players in NA valorant and it sucks to see you guys downplay him so hard.
Tenz can op, he can rifle both at fking top 3 Oping and top 3 rifling NA and you are telling me that's not good enough for him to make a team good?
It's not like sentinels never lost important matches before tenz. Yeah, you can say shahz is a good IGL, but when were sentinels known for their tactical depth?
Basic map control and team chem have made them the best in NA, and that tells a lot about NA as a region.
All you guys talk about is FPX is the best omg EU Top 1 world. but how? Ange1. the man and dimasick have brought so much tactical depth and mentorship towards their mechanical master zyppan.
Same with 100 Thieves, Asuna does some idiotic shit like scaling ct when the team is not even on-site and now he is slowly changing and adapting to the team and how they want to play.
Asuna has a gem of three experienced cs players in Hiko nitr0 and steel, them having a psychologist, analyst and coach is nothing to clown about. Sentinel's not having a proper coach to date is such a downfall of the org. NA has one of the best talents in the world and it is very important to start that tactical culture. Cloud9 did the right thing finally by bringing in a coach jamezirl to mentor but that guy chose to "retire". Now, Cloud9 with leaf 17 and poiz 17 I'm guessing is actually playing more mature than sentinels, the impact and mentoring the coach and xeta are having on them are so visible.
Tenz NEEDS someone who is bigger than his brand his ego someone like Hiko or someone very respected for mentoring like joshrtz. Tenz's brand is always bigger than his team like shroud.
Maybe next time instead of blaming insanely mechanically gifted players like Tenz, ScreaM, start blaming their coaches or they need some experienced players.
Also, someone who could mentor him is Tarik.


is this a copypasta


No1 is downplaying him. No one disagrees that his aim is one of the best if not the best. His problems are in maturity levels like the great hekzy said a while ago. Good post tho.


I think this guy is referring to the tenz thread all the trolls were talking about more like a response thread ig.


Tenz is a very skilled mechanical player. The main problem with Tenz is that he goes for plays that are sometimes too aggressive that will hurt round and sometimes throw rounds. For example, SEN will take A site on ascent and Tenz will pop up onto heaven during their take as an unnecessary risk. Tenz is a great addition to Sen but sometimes gets too aggressive. Many people on this site are Sinatraa fans and Valorant is constantly changing with upsets all across. People blaming Tenz for losing to BBG is like blaming Vision Strikers for losing to F4Q. Tenz needs to learn how to play with a team and coordinate attacks instead of the moment of going crazy on site. The 100T match will show today that a team like 100T will learn how to take advantage of the Tenz aggro plays.


I agree with all of this but the playstyle isn't specifically Tenz's. Sentinels are notoriously aggressive with their playstyle especially with eco rounds due to the suspected ease. Regardless I think Sentinels have shown that this won't be the case (in terms of 100T statement). I think it will be a close game and one team will not have strong enough of an advantage to control the other.


I agree with your statement. To add on, when Tenz joined the team Shazam mentioned that their gameplay with Tenz was to just go crazy. This aggression has worked with Sentinels in the past although you need coordinated aggression to make sites work. With Tenz dashing on-site with smoke is good when the backup is there. When Tenz peeks past the site or onto mid or ct alone is when the trouble starts.


p sure Tenz has always been doing shit like that, even when he played cs


yeah, it brought his downfall in cs for multiple reasons

  1. his aggression wasnt calculated so to say
  2. his supporting cast wasnt as strong as we see in sen
  3. he did have great aim, but he wasnt top 1 aimer na like we see in valorant

Tenz is one of the most mechanically gifted players in NA valorant and it sucks to see you guys downplay him so hard.
Tenz can op, he can rifle both at fking top 3 Oping and top 3 rifling NA and you are telling me that's not good enough for him to make a team good?
It's not like sentinels never lost important matches before tenz. Yeah, you can say shahz is a good IGL, but when were sentinels known for their tactical depth?
Basic map control and team chem have made them the best in NA, and that tells a lot about NA as a region.
All you guys talk about is FPX is the best omg EU Top 1 world. but how? Ange1. the man and dimasick have brought so much tactical depth and mentorship towards their mechanical master zyppan.
Same with 100 Thieves, Asuna does some idiotic shit like scaling ct when the team is not even on-site and now he is slowly changing and adapting to the team and how they want to play.
Asuna has a gem of three experienced cs players in Hiko nitr0 and steel, them having a psychologist, analyst and coach is nothing to clown about. Sentinel's not having a proper coach to date is such a downfall of the org. NA has one of the best talents in the world and it is very important to start that tactical culture. Cloud9 did the right thing finally by bringing in a coach jamezirl to mentor but that guy chose to "retire". Now, Cloud9 with leaf 17 and poiz 17 I'm guessing is actually playing more mature than sentinels, the impact and mentoring the coach and xeta are having on them are so visible.
Tenz NEEDS someone who is bigger than his brand his ego someone like Hiko or someone very respected for mentoring like joshrtz. Tenz's brand is always bigger than his team like shroud.
Maybe next time instead of blaming insanely mechanically gifted players like Tenz, ScreaM, start blaming their coaches or they need some experienced players.
Also, someone who could mentor him is Tarik.


Tenz is one of the most mechanically gifted players in NA valorant and it sucks to see you guys downplay him so hard.
Tenz can op, he can rifle both at fking top 3 Oping and top 3 rifling NA and you are telling me that's not good enough for him to make a team good?
It's not like sentinels never lost important matches before tenz. Yeah, you can say shahz is a good IGL, but when were sentinels known for their tactical depth?
Basic map control and team chem have made them the best in NA, and that tells a lot about NA as a region.
All you guys talk about is FPX is the best omg EU Top 1 world. but how? Ange1. the man and dimasick have brought so much tactical depth and mentorship towards their mechanical master zyppan.
Same with 100 Thieves, Asuna does some idiotic shit like scaling ct when the team is not even on-site and now he is slowly changing and adapting to the team and how they want to play.
Asuna has a gem of three experienced cs players in Hiko nitr0 and steel, them having a psychologist, analyst and coach is nothing to clown about. Sentinel's not having a proper coach to date is such a downfall of the org. NA has one of the best talents in the world and it is very important to start that tactical culture. Cloud9 did the right thing finally by bringing in a coach jamezirl to mentor but that guy chose to "retire". Now, Cloud9 with leaf 17 and poiz 17 I'm guessing is actually playing more mature than sentinels, the impact and mentoring the coach and xeta are having on them are so visible.
Tenz NEEDS someone who is bigger than his brand his ego someone like Hiko or someone very respected for mentoring like joshrtz. Tenz's brand is always bigger than his team like shroud.
Maybe next time instead of blaming insanely mechanically gifted players like Tenz, ScreaM, start blaming their coaches or they need some experienced players.
Also, someone who could mentor him is Tarik.

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