geng, drx and boom are only based on the pieces that exist now, take it with a pinch of salt no GE as they have 0 players
S: GENG, T1 A: Secret, PRX B: Talon, RRQ, Zeta, Sin Prisa C: DFM, DRX D: Boom
S: T1(won tournament by only 3 days of practice), DRX A: Zeta, PRX, TLN(didn't use any pause, need more time to judge them) B: DFM, RRQ, SPG, GENG(sign the worst player of drx) C: GE, TS D: BME
S. GenG Prx A. T1 Drx B. Rrq Ge Zeta C. Spg Dfm Talon Secret D. Boom ( also depends on who they get, if they get dos9 then they look solid too)