Sentinels Sentinels North America Rank #4 N4RRATE Marshall Massey bang Sean Bezerra Zellsis Jordan Montemurro zekken Zachary Patrone johnqt Mohamed Amine Ouarid has signed Luke "GUNTER" Clives as their assistant coach for the VCT 2025 season.

“The final piece of the puzzle,” the team declared in the announcement.

Gunter spent the 2023 and 2024 seasons serving as the assistant coach for M80 M80 North America Rank #6 Kyu Mirel Braco Hrustemovic Sato Eduardo Kenzo Nagahama Sato bao Okeanos Anthony Nguyen bdog Brandon Sanders in Challengers League North America. In both years, M80 claimed first prize in North America before ultimately finishing second in Americas Ascension, falling to The Guard The Guard Inactive JonahP Jonah Pulice trent Trent Cairns neT Michael Bernet valyn Jacob Batio tex Ian Botsch (now G2 Esports) in their first attempt and to 2Game Esports 2Game Esports Brazil Rank #2 gobera Vitor Gobo Zap Brenno Roberto pryze Luis-Henrique Viveiros lz Luiz Reche spike Rodrigo Lombardi silentzz Caio Morita in their second.

Gunter reunites with head coach Adam "kaplan" Kaplan and in-game leader Mohamed "johnqt" Amine Ouarid, both of whom he worked with previously as part of Ghost Gaming Ghost Gaming Inactive koalanoob Gianfranco Potestio NiSMO Marc-Andre Tayar aproto Alex Protopapas brawk Brock Somerhalder johnqt Mohamed Amine Ouarid in 2021. He continued to work alongside johnqt past that point on the Ghostbusters Ghostbusters Inactive johnqt Mohamed Amine Ouarid NiSMO Marc-Andre Tayar brawk Brock Somerhalder aproto Alex Protopapas team that later became the core of M80.

This signing comes after Sentinels parted ways with previous assistant coach Drew "DrewSpark" Spark-Whitworth earlier in the offseason.

2024 saw Sentinels open the year triumphantly with an international trophy win at Masters Madrid. The team's performance declined somewhat in the middle of the year as they missed out on the Americas Stage 1 playoffs and scraped into Champions 2024 as the region's fourth seed via circuit points. However, they rallied in Seoul and found a top-four finish to end what was ultimately a highly successful year. The team has since added Marshall "N4RRATE" Massey and Sean "bang" Bezerra following the retirements of Tyson "TenZ" Ngo and Gustavo "Sacy" Rossi.

Sentinels Sentinels North America Rank #4 N4RRATE Marshall Massey bang Sean Bezerra Zellsis Jordan Montemurro zekken Zachary Patrone johnqt Mohamed Amine Ouarid is now: