Sen Reduxx - 1 year content deal.

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Is reduxx on an actual team (so on a loan?), if he is a free agent then Sen should sign him as a content creator till he becomes 18. idk if they can have him as a 6th man cause he's 17 so you sign him to sen no matter what and have first dibbs on him for the next season. Aint no way you let bro walk, he is just too good.

If he does not play on a T2 team, him signing a 1-2 year content deal would make it so that he still gets income from Sen and then can rework his contract when they sign him. Gives him the incentive to sign with Sen cause they took care of him and Sen gets first dibbs.

Let me cook.


th did it with wo0t so sen can probably do it with reduxx


he is a free agent. also signing him as a content creator is stupid


if he doesnt sign with any T2 team, him signing as a content creator is smart. He gets income, can stream, build his brand and name. He would arguably be a more valuable signing under Sen when his legit contract comes up.

If he doesn't sign with Sen later, he would get a nice source of income while he does not compete.


most likely Sen partner a t2 team and he plays there for a while

if not reduxx prob isnt joining, if i was him i wouldnt wait around for 7 months without a guarantee from SEN

esp cuz they might click with a new roster

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