I mean this JFT roster can definitely go toe to toe with some t1 teams and probably better than DFM and Zeta.
Keep dreaming 🤣🤣 this Ranked team pick Iso every map cant do shit ,wake up
At least you already have talon we have nothing
no one asked , ladyboy
‘ no one asked ‘ i dont even saying shit, bro just doesn’t how to responds🤣
Oh you like that boy good massage
what's the price of massage?
I’ll do one free for your momma and gave you some sibling💦
1 USD will be enough to buy your lineage
THE 7 quite literally picked Iso on every map and was the second best team in T2 Brazil, finishing ahead of 2Game. So you tell me why that's a bad idea
They can definitely sign some OCE players but full JFT roster oh hell no
its not gamble, its suicide
cant commit suicide when theyre already dead
they trialled a few oce players but idk how those went
after reading this I am gonna support the 5 indian agenda
tbh, kinda fair for them to also mix some indian in. aussie + indian? sounds fire
good morning bearmans
morning i just came back from work and boom won!
Comms videos would be elite
thas dumb... they dont even make it out of asc
Change ur flag aussie🤣