( https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://twitter.com/xandfps/status/1463978209528188933%3Fref_src%3Dtwsrc%255Egoogle%257Ctwcamp%255Eserp%257Ctwgr%255Etweet&ved=2ahUKEwiSutjW2LT0AhVJLLkGHQkbDaUQ_1N6BAgDEAo&usg=AOvVaw1Jw6VweSr1ZohY0bhMThaS)
That's really messed up
lol thats messed up however i dunno why u guys still giving what they've seeking for: attention
Common racist comments against Brazilians, zzzz
at least he is getting money for it lmao
chances are it's getting refunded and xand actually gets nothing but hate out of it
I dont think its worthy. Less than a dollar to be constantly called favela monkey.
oh, not worth then
cringe as fuck lmao people are really so insecure about themselves they have to take it out like that, GG nice waste of 40 bucks bozo
Didn't Connor mcregor say this to aldo?
Free money guess it doesnt hurt