All these seemingly dumbfounding roster changes are pretty obviously influenced by what I am dubbing the Heretics effect. Dropping seasoned pros who've been competing since the start of VCT no matter what the name value is, and what is going to happen is they're going to be replaced by young upcoming talent. The issue I hold with this is what heretics did is not the same as what these teams are trying to do. They essentially picked up 4 brand new players (Benjy played like 2 series). This allows for growth and the molding of the players into whatever system is envisioned, and it's less stress on the new players as they're all learning together. Not to mention the player quality I don't think can be replicated across the board, like how many more riens and woot's can realistically be out there. These teams dropping 1 or 2 players for tier 2 talent won't be as successful imo as the ones replacing 3, 4, or 5.