Using an actual arena only for the top 4 is questionable, considering its the biggest event of the year
valorant world championship vs a normal cs tournament
yes its been said over and over again quit whining on vlr and just watch
Classic CN hater
matt you r a whiny bitch that hates edg for no reason... representing na fans well
Cry is free
its to cut cost and save money mainly they tried in LOCK//IN and for most games stadium was empty and lost profit
so they don't wanna risk it next time
It's been full of good matches at least.
Cologne is an annual event that's gone on for 10+ years in Germany though, and I'd put my money on the eSports scene for CS in Europe being bigger than the eSports scene for val in korea
you either enjoy the matches or you don't
stop bitching you sped
Not even the matches were allat