Seeing this year I can tell it was EG 2023
Com, boostio, jawgemo, Ethan ( nrg did bad he still played good) was amazing players Players like Demon1 can work in a team like this
Eg would've run it back again if the roster didn't disband.
Boostio said Fnatic 2023 was scarier than EG
Boaster holding fnatic down.
j0nggg holding down prx
They had monyet. Did it work in Madrid? Prx needs fix a lot of things. Replacing jing won't make them international lan winning team.
Jingg clears boaster in terms of aim
he wasnt in 2023. man was fragging the fuck out. the whole of FNC were shooting like gods and their strats were godly
it is FNATIC and there is 0 argument otherwise. this cant be debated right now
PRX fan saying this is crazy