It’s a real shame. GenG is a top 3 contender for this event and sen is sadly not. Unlucky to see them choke when it matters the most
Dont let the SEN meatriders see this
Brother you are losing
L0kia of valorant tax
0-2 losing at home 🫵😡
Don't let you see the scoreline rn
imagine losing to sentin0ls
npc 🗿
w english sen fan
sen might be a contender now no?
definitely. Went back to bread and butter and they're looking amazing
SEN is not a bad team, if they won all the pistols it's hard to win against them even for geng
yh tbf sen won all pistols and bonus rounds, thats insta 6-0
Every Gen G player 1v5’s JDG Bots
you just made my point stronger the team with the korean lost KEKKE (jdgstillontop#stewsteponme)