Decent pieces, but sad loss for Giants. They started to look really decent with this roster. I don't really know how the roles go though. Avova smoker, Mixwell Jett, nukkye duelist, Meddo sentinel, but I'm not sure about hoody and his role in this team. I guess he needs to learn Sova.
nukkye, fit1nho, avova, ambi/hoody, meddo would have been my G2/Giants mixture, but obviously they have their reasons and most likely trials results etc.
Paid money for these? instead of getting free & much betters players: russz & paura? Paura said he can IGL only in TR but that would 100% be better than w/e they are trying to do with this.
russz can play Jett AND sova which g2 are missing and one of the best sentinenls and potential good future ENG speaking IGL