can someone tell me why they're praised so much? idk if i'm missing something but from what i've seen, they're not that good lol
FNS and a large subset of the community have a hard-on for players that have maximum knowledge of what they're supposed to do in every possible scenario and in any given situation, even if they're mechanically weaker than their peers at times
Sometimes it's valid, like with Leo, but now that we're out of the chamber meta a lot of players can keep up by unironically just having insane aim.
The best example of this is Less vs Alfajer. Less is one of those "perfect" players people talk about, while Alfa very clearly makes a several mistakes at times, but shits on teams anyways with his insane mechanics. (Not to say Less has bad mechanics, I just mean specifically compared to Alfajer)
It's also why players like Hiro are able to slot in for Leo of all players without feeling like that much of a downgrade