Idk what's going on anymore, I'm doing so well when 5 stacked and against much harder enemies but struggle when I soloq. I just don't get it (im g2 but it didn't update)
Idk what's going on anymore, I'm doing so well when 5 stacked and against much harder enemies but struggle when I soloq. I just don't get it (im g2 but it didn't update)
solo q should be considered a different game mode from 5 stacking. you need to learn how to play around your teammates. i dont even need to look at the stats to know what the issue is. when you have 5 people talking and thinking on the same page, the game is very easy. you dont get that in solo q. you work with what you have. if you have a teammate that likes to bait, play passive with them on site instead of taking fights. if you have a hyper aggressive teammate, follow them instead of leaving them to die first alone. there are so many more niche examples of this in game. its things like that which makes solo q so hard. this is coming from someone who solely solo qs, and it took so long for me to understand this. you have to fill in the gaps in solo q instead of playing the way you think is best. or you can just be the teammate who runs in and wins the game on your own too. but you can only do that if you are consistent at fragging out. the way i play works for me because im not a very strong fragger or overconfident at all.
the main point is you need to learn how to work with your teammates to give yourself the best chances to win, instead of playing the textbook way in solo q ranked.
debunking the idea of "just lock reyna"
so instead level up like a real man
most plat players are boosted, they lock clove and don't know basic smokes for anything. this is because all they know is swing and kill or die.
i get what your saying but i started playing last year October and haven't played reyna atleast more than 10 times since then. It took me 3 acts to get from bronze to plat only by playing chamber/senti's and solo q. its super do-able!