all 4 AMER and all 4 EMEA qualify to playoffs (0 asia)
oh the NA vs EU dream.
not really a challenge, i take my words back
for this to happen:
FNC lose to two of BLG/DRX/KRU
KRU lose to two of BLG/DRX/FNC
FNC and KRU combined have one win maximum
SEN lose to two of FPX/GEN/TH
TH lose to two of FPX/GEN/SEN
SEN and TH combined have one win maximum
LEV lose to two of TE/TLN/VIT
VIT lose to two of LEV/TE/TLN
LEV and VIT combined have one win maximum
FUT lose to two of G2/FUT/PRX
G2 lose to two of EDG/FUT/PRX
FUT and G2 combined have one win maximum
which means that AMER + EMEA will fully bomb out before the knockout stage having only played 2/3 matches for each of the 8 teams and having won only 4/20 matches (0w/2l or 1w/2l bombouts for 4 and 4 teams respectively)
statistically incredibly hard, even without considering that the Chinese teams are considered as the underdogs