Just because a pro player is nice or humble or diligent doesn't excuse them from the fact that they played like ass.
Jing fans are snowflakes
they’re always the one behind the demon1 and yay posts too 😂😂
J0ngg clears diamond1 and the finished chamber merchant
he couldn't clear demon1 and yay in the past and his form has only declined so idk about that one
It was a joke but like whatever you say dawg
couldn’t clear them or jawgemo when it mattered unfortunately
yeah, rather spend time hating on players who are toxic most of the time
+ 1
this is why lemon1 is the goat
I think Demon1 is an insane player, but stuff like this makes me not want to support him and EG
ik they don't care, but curious to hear what you guys prefer:
• humble players or • trash talk/ego type players
Even if you are humble but dont peform people talk, so might as well just talk your shit
Ong i prefer people talking they shit and spraying bodies
Also this copy pasta is in reference to this
When demon1 used to be humble, he owned everyone
Idk which game u were watching but Demon1 was never humble 😭😭😭
He was shit-talking from the start
Nah im pretty sure at tokyo he didn’t do it
I feel like he prolly did. I'll link it if I can find an example
He seems humble now though https://www.twitch.tv/demon1
Yea definitely. He was owning when he had an ego but not so much this yr
I mean I just looked at his twitter and he looks pretty humble back then at champs he starts to do it there is even a tweet saying i like this shit talking should I try it on stage pre champs I think
yea and he dint own anyone in tokyo as far as i remember