If i have a leaver in a game and my teammates dont ff. DO i have to play out the 4v5 or can i just walk around and fuck about? or is that bannable
yes you have to play 4v5
its so fucked i had a guy leave round 2 so couldnt remake
12-14 loss
-15 rr
never give up i won a 4v5 before
idc that much though. like its 3 am why'd i play 40 min of pure shit
I was on my derank once. 4 rounds in, one of my teammates disconnected. We kept going. The score was 7-12. Then not only did my teammate reconnect, three opponents disconnected at the same time. We were suddenly playing a 5v2. We won 14-12.
Never surrender in VALORANT.
Bro go to bed 😭
you can walk around and have fun it dosnt matter at that point, and you wont get banned trust me riot dosnt care.