How can they qual for champs if LEV win against Kru?
Sen has 12 champ points and KRU right now has 8 but if Kru go lower bracket and win both matches and then the grandfinal wouldnt they get 2 points from the matches + 3 from winning the finals?
That would mean Kru are top 3 and points dont matter for top 3
cause then 100t or g2 would lose
if that happens (it won’t) the loser of g2/100t will be eliminated
vlr has incorrect points number, lev is the only team with more champs points than lev, so if lev qualifies, then sen will have the most points
hey man idk if u know this but if kru make top 3 they qualify
if KRU win 2 games they qual through playoffs not points lol
bro they already qualify if they win the fucking finals theek dont have to look at points
champ points aren't considered for the top3 teams, so if kru wins out from here then g2 or 100t would be eliminated from champs
but 100T has 12 points rn too. so if they become 4th they'd have to qual through points but they have the same amount of points as SEN does
then sen would qualify through head 2 head
OHH that's how. THX! i couldnt figure that part out and my dumbass just assumed it would always be with points :P
Didnt 100th 2-0 Sen in this playoffs?
I think it's based off of during the season and not playoffs, where Sen won against 100T in Stage 1
Is h2h confirmed by riot as the tiebreaker? Or is it an assumption?