Its skye. When riot nerfed skye so that it was no longer viable to use her solo it hurt PRX the most out of any team. This meta forces teams to have 2 initators (which only davai and forsaken can play-leaving sentinel role open) or sova (which no one on PRX can play at a world class level).
Look at 23 PRX comps with skye vs how good they were
Pearl-Solo Skye, Best/Second best itw
Ascent-Ran solo skye with unique comp-were very good
Bind-Solo skye-extermly good
Fracture-Skye with Smth Breach-very good
Split-Solo skye-extermly good
Lotus-Solo skye-pretty good
If PRX want to go back to being champs contenders they need to sign a player that can play scan initator and/or sentinel (Monyet didnt work since his agent pool is smokes/duelist)
If only there was a player who was really good-unfairly cut from his team-igled a team extermly similar to PRX to the grand finals of an intl event who can play initator and sentinel at a world class level. Would be crazy if he existed
Also Rb would win this team a championship if they gave him a chance (my goat plays every agent better than all these frauds)