bros getting the poolchan treatment
No cap if poolchan is in emea he is probably a top 5 duelist
No cap
i mean if the NRG split 1 team went to EMEA they'd prob to go playoffs
They would have went undefeated
? if poolchan went to tier 2 china and played duelist he would be the worst duelist by far
also split 1 nrg only missed playoffs in the stronger group on round difference
if poolchan went to champs he would top frag and run duelist only
gorilla my king
who was next to him??
hes a girl?
idk bro im trying to be respectful of temoc
sliggy said he never going back to coaching if they start exposing like that cause he would say shit like that all the time
Magnum definitely heard Gorilla talking shit bro
i mean Gorilla isnt wrong