People who think jawg+demon1+nrg= role issues come

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On a map with double smokes and jett map:

Demon1 - jett
Jawg - omen
s0m - viper/2nd smokes
Ethan - flash initator
Fns - sentinel/scan initator

On maps with double smokes and raze/not jett map
Jawg - duelist
Demon1 - astra/brim/learn another smokes agent in offseason
S0m - viper/2nd smokes
Ethan - flash initiator
Fns - sentinel/scan initator

On jett maps with single smokes and double iniator
Demon1 - jett
s0m - omen/single smokes
Ethan - flash initiator
Fns - scan initiator (he played fade in 2022)
Jawg - sentinel if you have to

and flip jawg + demon1 for other duelists on ^^ maps

Role issues make no sense for this team, cuz likely everyone will continue to play double smokes, and if they don't then they'll just play double init double smokes, which also works

This roster with potter could cook so hard


I swear people can brain dead and brain dead everytime , Jawg+Demon1+sOm on a roster is never going to work especially with FNS on a team just stop.

NRG can actually build a roster without having role issues that can compete and not force themselves to learn new agents in a offseason


read the post brodie

they literally don't have to learn anything ???

vlr brainrot


Jawg - sentinel if you have to

all they need is a recon or flash player with the team they have now.

everyone thought the same shit last year with there team and look how that turned out, enough with trying to make players play agents there not good with and a double smoke with viper is leaving the meta,

You are a braindead gold player just stop.

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