fUcK i sUcK aT rAzE, lOsT tO NV 0-2 GG's tO tHeM. mAsTeRS 3 rUn iS OvER bUT nOw wE aRE lOoKiNg tOwArDS cHaMPiOnS, pLeNtY oF tIMe tO pRePArE bEFoRe tHeN.
375 million years ago a fish decided it was a good idea to try to walk on land, so that today we could witness MilanTheMyth calling me Mrityunjay Singh
Lol fr, I have seen this guy on twitter xD It was some gollum a$$ looking kid sitting in front of a PC with call center headphones OmegaLuL This kid is trying too hard to look cool, It's embarassing kekW I can't man...