thoughts on team liquid


I'm so happy for patitek nats and keiko

Pati deserved to be on the international stage and on a tier 1 team. Nats is the goat cypher and still one of my favourite players of all time. Keiko was the only good player from the apeks core and I'm so glad he's fragging so good, on controller as well.

I'm glad with the addition of kamyk and kamo. Kamo is a great selfless-hard entry duelist that was so hated when he first joined (because bro was a racist immature teenager, good to know that he has grown into a good person and teammate). Kamyk and pattitek are 2 great initiators and pati's comms + utils are so good to set keiko and kamo up.

Good to see nats getting SO MANY first engagements as an IGL sentinel.

Very happy for this liquid team. I don't expect them to get top 3 in bangkok but hopefully atleast they make top 4 and not get knocked out in the swiss stage.

About heretics, they're experiencing the PRX syndrome, where they get close to 2 trophies but not win anything internationally, then go into a downwards spiral. I feel is that with this core 5 players on heretics they've hit their peak and sadly there's a low chance of them getting back to that peak.

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