Because Im a huge fan of Leviatan (Even spent 2340 VP on their classic bundle) and an Opp of one of their players (cough cough) , I am going to rank all their players by their agent pool and their performance in Kickoff, Stage 1, Masters shanghai and Stage 2:
- Aspas (Yes what a surprise the guy who broke the kill record in a single map is ranked this high. Aspas basically mastered Jett and Raze and he knows how to play Neon and Phoenix. Man had a history on Reyna and absolutely owned everyone)
- KiNgg (One of the better IGLs that knows how to aim and shoot. Had marvelous performance on Viper and Omen, had decent performance on Raze and breach in the international leagues)
- Mazino (Huge agent pool with Sova, Kayo, breach, Omen, brimstone etc. Decent performance not the best part of the roster but definitely not the problem)
- Tex (Once a duelist in TGRD when the won ascension but now plays Sentinel in general. Goofed a lot in kickoff but now his aim is crazy, one of the best aimers in Americas rn but cant match up to other top tier duelist in Americas)
- c0m (One trick Sova that does not have decent performances on other initiators such as Skye and fade. Needs to find more value at flanks and have to practice more initiator game play instead of letting Mazino play initiator all the time.)